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President Ramaphosa to launch the GBVF Declaration and open the Booysens Magistrate's Court

President Cyril Ramaphosa will on Thursday, 28 March 2019, deliver the keynote address at the Presidential launch of the Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) Declaration.  

The launch event, at the Booysens Magistrate’s Court in Oakdene South, Johannesburg, coincides with the official opening of this new court.

The Declaration is one of the outcomes of the National Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Summit which was held in November 2018. 

The Summit was a response to a national concern and it provided a basis for a coordinated national response to the scourge.

The Summit was jointly hosted by government, civil society and other role players in an effort to combat gender-based violence and femicide. 

Booysens Magistrate’s Court offers a range of services and is fully equipped to support victims of gender-based violence and femicide. Services include:

• A fully fledged Sexual Offences Court 
• Family Law services such as maintenance, domestic violence, harassment and Children’s Court matters 
• Small Claims Court services 
• Civil and Criminal Court services – Regional and District 

The new facility will play a key role in alleviating the demand for services at the Johannesburg Magistrates’ Court.


Date: Thursday, 28 March 2019
Time: 10h00
Venue: Booysens Magistrate’s Court in Oakdene South, cnr Amanda and Rifle Range Road, Gillview, Johannesburg


Members of the media wishing to cover the event are invited to apply for accreditation by completing the attached template and email to The deadline for submission of applications is strictly before 11h30 on 26 March 2019. 

For more information on accreditation contact: Terrence Manase on 082 338 6707 or Victor Mateane Phala on 012 315 1817/ 084 438 5162.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707, or Phumla Williams on 0835010139

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa to launch business development platform

President Cyril Ramaphosa will tomorrow, Thursday, 28 March 2019, launch the Business Leadership South Africa Connect and SA SME CEO Fund Circle in Johannesburg. 
Business Leadership South Africa Connect is an online trading platform which will link registered small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) access to supply chain opportunities of large South African corporations that have an integrated global footprint. 
The online portal will promote supplier diversity and the inclusion of black suppliers in the value chain.
This initiative will create market opportunities for black-owned SMMEs through linkages and networking between large firms and SMMEs. It will also  support emerging enterprises with access to enterprise and supplier development.
This programme of broadening economic participation forms part of BLSA’s #BusinessBelieveInSouthAfrica campaign. One of the commitments under this campaign is support for small businesses.
The BLSA campaign supports government efforts, led by President Cyril Ramaphosa, to broaden economic participation and dilute the concentration of the South African economy in which a relatively small number of enterprises dominate all levels of supply chains and limit choices for consumers.
In February 2019 President Ramaphosa signed into law the Competition Amendment Bill which constitutes a boost for SMEs, economic inclusion and is intended to open the economy to fresh investment and innovation.
At this week’s event President Ramaphosa will concurrently launch the SA SME Fund CEO Circle which aims to finance and scale up black SMMEs.
The fund was set up under the auspices of the CEO Initiative in 2016 to stimulate growth and investment drawn from the expertise of South Africa’s top business leaders. 
Fifty of South Africa’s largest companies have collectively invested R1,4 billion in capital in the SA SME Fund which is mandated to invest the bulk of its funding into black emerging  businesses. 
President Ramaphosa has urged all social partners across the public and private spheres to collaborate on finding long term sustainable solutions to combat and reduce inequality, poverty and unemployment, and to secure and create inclusive growth to build a prosperous South Africa.
Details of the launch of the BLSA Connect and SA SME CEO Fund Circle are as follows:

Date: Tursday, 28 March 2019
Time: 08:00 (Media to arrive at 07:00)
Venue: 1 Discovery Place, Cnr Rivonia Rd & Katherine Street, Sandton, Johannesburg
Members of the media can liaise with Khutjo Sebata on 079 898 4621 to cover the Joint Launch 

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko , Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency

Statement on reports on Watson payment

The Presidency has noted several media reports and commentary on testimony before the Zondo Commission yesterday that conflate a number of separate issues.

President Cyril Ramaphosa first explained the matter in his letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly on 15 November 2018. He also provided the Public Protector with a statement on the matter, which is available on the Presidency website.

Mr Andile Ramaphosa has subsequently also made public details on his business relationship with African Global Operations.

In summary, these are the facts available to the Presidency:

- In April 2017, Blue Crane Capital, a company owned by Mr Andile Ramaphosa, began discussions with African Global Operations (AGO) to explore possible business opportunities in certain East African countries.

- In December 2017, an advisory mandate was signed between Blue Crane Capital and AGO, and in January 2018 an Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy.

- According to information made public by Blue Crane, the contract stipulated a monthly retainer of R150 000, which was later increased to R230 000. By the time  Blue Crane terminated the contract in January 2019, following revelations at the Zondo Commission, AGO had paid Blue Crane around R2 million for work done in fulfilment of the contract.

- President Ramaphosa was made aware of the business relationship between his son’s business and AGO in September 2018 after he was informed about a rumour that Mr Andile Ramaphosa had received a payment of R500 000 from AGO. Mr Andile Ramaphosa explained to the President the nature of the business and showed him a copy of the contract.

- It was on the basis of this information that the President replied to a question from the Mr Mmusi Maimane in the National Assembly on 6 November 2018. The President had assumed that the payment referred to by Mr Maimane was related to this business contract.

- However, as the President was subsequently made aware, the payment of R500 000 had been a donation by Mr Gavin Watson of AGO to the CR17 campaign through an attorney trust account that was used for the purposes of fundraising for the political campaign.

- Having established the facts of the matter, the President wrote to the Speaker of the National Assembly on 15 November 2018 to provide the correct information.

- The donation of R500 000 to the CR17 campaign by Mr Watson was distinct from, and unrelated to, the contract between Blue Crane and AGO.

- The donation from Mr Watson was sought and obtained by the CR17 campaign without the President’s knowledge. This followed a decision by the campaign managers that the President should not be provided with the identity of donors or amounts pledged.

- The President has subsequently been informed that, following revelations at the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture, the former CR17 campaign managers took a decision to return the donation. The funds amounting to R500 000, have been placed in an attorney’s trust account until allegations against Mr Watson and AGO have been clarified.

The Presidency understands that the testimony before the Zondo Commission of Inquiry needs to be fully investigated and corroborated.

In line with previous statements to this effect, the President has once again reiterated his commitment to appear before the Commission. This gesture also serves to encourage other South Africans to answer the call by Deputy Chief Justice Zondo for witnesses to step forward and assist the Commission in its hearing of evidence.

The letter of 14 November 2018 from the President to National Assembly Speaker Ms Baleka Mbete is available on the Presidency website at

The President’s statement to the Public Protector dated 1 February 2019 is available at

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa to visit Equatorial Guinea

President Cyril Ramaphosa will later today, Monday 01 April 2019, depart from Pretoria to undertake a Working Visit to the Republic of Equitorial Guinea.

The visit will enable President Ramaphosa and President Teodoro Obiang Nguema of Equitorial Guinea to reflect on bilateral relations as well as issues of interest and concern on the continent and globally. In 2018 South Africa and the Republic of Equitorial Guinea marked 25 years since the   formalisation of diplomatic relations.

Bilateral cooperation has spanned health, trade, manufacturing, infrastructure, industrial, as well as education and training.

President Ramaphosa will hold discussions with President Nguema tomorrow, Tuesday 02 April 2019. The President is accompanied on this visit by  Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Ms Lindiwe Sisulu and Minister for State Security Dipuo Letsatsi-Duba.

Deputy President David Mabuza will be acting President for the duration of President Ramaphosa’s outgoing visit.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President – 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency Pretoria

President Ramaphosa condemns violence against foreign nationals

President Cyril Ramaphosa has condemned violence against foreign nationals in South Africa and called on law enforcement agencies and law- abiding citizens to identify perpetrators and bring them to book.

The President has therefore welcomed today’s engagement between Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Lindiwe Sisulu and Minister of Police Bheki Cele, and the African diplomatic community in South Africa.

Today’s meeting has been convened to discuss the current spate of violence against foreign nationals and their properties.

President Ramaphosa says there can be no justification for criminality and that if communities are disaffected for any reason, grievances must be raised  with government and must be done within the confines of the law.

President Ramaphosa says recent violence against Malawian and other nationals in KwaZulu-Natal is particularly regrettable on the eve of Freedom Month which in 2019 celebrates 25 years of freedom.

“As South Africans, we owe our freedom to the solidarity and support given to our liberation struggle by people across our Continent and around the world.

“Today, our economy and society benefits from our extensive trade and investment relations with partners on our continent and many of our continental compatriots live in South Africa where they are making important contributions to the development of our country.

“African development depends on the increased movement of people, goods and services between different countries for all of us to benefit. We will not allow criminals to set back these processes.”

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa visits Phehellang Secondary School for 2017 School Re-Opening Programme

Parys - Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa will tomorrow, 11 January 2017, visit Phehellang Secondary School, in Parys, Fezile Dabi District, Free State, as part of the 2017 School Re-Opening Program.

Deputy President Ramaphosa will be visiting Phehellang Secondary School – which attained 100% pass rate for two year in the running. The school is located in the Free State province – a province that has attained a pass rate of 93.2% matric pass rate in the 2016 academic year.

The performance of Phehellang Secondary School in the past few years is truly remarkable considering the fact that as far back as 2009 the pass rate was only 47.2%.

Deputy President Ramaphosa will be supported by the Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, the Premier of Free State, Ace Magashule and Free State Education MEC, Tate Makgoe and senior government officials.

Media is invited to cover as follows:

Date: Wednesday, 11 January 2017
Time: 07H00
Venue: Phehellang Secondary School, Parys, Fezile Dabi District, Free State

For enquiries and accreditation please contact Sam Bopape on 082 318 5251

Issued by Ronnie Mamoepa (082 611 7498)

The Presidency

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses Phehellang Secondary School learners on first day of 2017 school year

Parys - “You are the future of South Africa,” Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa told learners at the Phehellang Secondary School in Parys, Free State on the first day of the 2017 school year.

The school is one of the best performing in the country, having achieved a 100% matric pass rate in the last two years.
Deputy President Ramaphosa congratulated the principal, teachers, parents and learners of Phehellang Secondary for achieving consistently outstanding results.
The school is located in the Free State, which attained a 93.2% matric pass rate in the 2016 academic year, the highest in the country.
The Deputy President commended Free State Premier Ace Magashule and MEC for Education Tate Makgoe on the excellent performance of the province in the face of significant challenges.
He said Phehellang Secondary had proven to the nation that they could do what many considered impossible.
Deputy President Ramaphosa urged the learners to work hard and believe in themselves.
“Education is the one thing that improves your lives and your family. It is the one thing that can give you a better life, a better career and a better future,” he said.
He urged learners to develop the habit of reading.
“Make books your friends. By reading you will always find new knowledge,” he said.
Deputy President Ramaphosa said progress in education was only possible through effective collaboration between all stakeholders.
Phehellang is one of over 200 schools in the Fezile Dabi and Motheo districts in the Free State that are part of the Kagiso Shanduka Trust programme, a partnership between the private sector and the Free State Department of Education to improve schools mainly in townships and rural areas.
Phehellang has benefited from this programme through curriculum support, leadership development and ongoing infrastructure provision in the form of a library, a life sciences building and ablution facilities.
Deputy President Ramaphosa said the school’s teachers were going the extra mile to achieve good results.
“Your teachers are doing phenomenal work,” he said.
He said Government is dedicating a lot of resources and effort to improve access to quality education.
“The entire government of the Republic of South Africa is working to ensure you have a great future,” he told learners.

Issued by The Presidency

Deputy President Ramaphosa to lead the South African Delegation to the World Economic Forum in Switzerland

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa will lead the South African delegation to the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland on 17- 20 January 2017.

The World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting brings together world leaders from business, government, international organizations, academia and civil society in Davos to discuss the global economy.

This year, over 2 700 leaders in the public and private sectors will meet under the theme Responsive and Responsible Leadership”.

WEF Davos 2017 takes place in a challenging global environment for both governments and business in which global events in 2016 have highlighted that the more complex a system, the greater a community's concern about its future.

South Africa will once again use the opportunity to market the country as being open for business and partnerships for development in various sessions and interactions with global business. Team South Africa includes Ministers, a large business delegation and representatives of labour, taking forward the spirit of cooperation to promote inclusive growth.

From government, Deputy President Ramaphosa will be accompanied by the Minister of Finance, Mr Pravin Gordhan; Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Mr Jeff Radebe; Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies; Minister of Economic Development, Mr Ebrahim Patel; Minister of Water and Sanitation, Ms Nomvula Mokonyane and KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Mr Sihle Zikalala. South Africa will host the WEF Africa meeting in Durban in May this year.

Enquiries: Mr Ronnie Mamoepa 082 990 4853

Issued by: The Presidency

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa arrives in Davos to lead Team SA at the World Economic Forum 2017

Davos - South African Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa today Monday 16 January arrived in Davos, Switzerland to lead, on behalf of President Jacob Zuma, a high-level government, business and labour delegation to the 2017 World Economic Forum Annual meeting scheduled from Tuesday-Friday 17-20 January 2017.

Organised under the theme “Responsive and Responsible Leadership”, this year’s World Economic Forum is taking place against the background of a challenging global environment is expected to attract over 2700 world leaders in the public and private sectors to discuss the global economy. 

The programme for the 2017 World Economic Forum annual event has been organised around five areas which have been identified as in need of urgent responsive and responsible leadership namely: Preparing for the fourth industrial revolution; Strengthening systems for global collaboration; Revitalising the global economy; Reforming market capitalism and addressing identity through positive narratives.

The South African Team under the leadership of Deputy President Ramaphosa will utilise the opportunity presented by the World Economic Forum to communicate the message that South Africa remains open for business and highlight the work that the government working together with business and labour is doing to:
•  Implement economic transformation and the reform agenda
•  Make progress towards achieving inclusive growth and employment
•  Restoring investor confidence
•  Achievement of supportive business confidence
•  And refine government spending efficiency
During the proceedings of the World Economic Forum, Deputy President Ramaphosa is expected to participate in five sessions including: Building a new water economy, Operationalising the sustainable Development Goals-unlocking the power of public-private co-operation, Africa’s Road to Prosperity, Gathering of World Economic Leaders on Responsive and Responsible leadership in a multi-polar world, African Regional Strategy Group, High-level panel on water, Global Goals-the road to 2030.
The Deputy President will also participate in Business Interaction Group on South Africa aimed at deepening the process of interaction between South African policy-makers and leading multinational businesses from the perspective of advancing national growth and well-being. Panelists for this session will include Ministers Rob Davies, Pravin Gordhan, Ebrahim Patel and Jeff Radebe.
Deputy President Ramaphosa’s government delegation includes the Minister of Finance, Mr Pravin Gordhan; Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Mr Jeff Radebe; Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies; Minister of Economic Development, Mr Ebrahim Patel; Minister of Water and Sanitation, Ms Nomvula Mokonyane and KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Mr Sihle Zikalala. 
South Africa is poised to host in May this year the WEF Africa meeting in Durban.

Enquiries: Ronnie Mamoepa 082 990 4853

Issued by: The Presidency

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa concludes productive Working Visit to World Economic Forum

Davos- Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday concluded his productive visit to Davos with his participation in the World Economic  Forum (WEF) session: Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders on Responsible and Responsive Leadership in a multipolar world attended by among others UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and WEF founder Klaus Schwab.
Deputy President Ramaphosa was leading a 56-person top level government, business and labour delegation to the 2017 World Economic Forum held in Switzerland under the theme Responsive and Responsible Leadership.
The delegation included government Ministers Pravin Gordhan, Jeff Radebe, Rob Davies, Ebrahim Patel, Nomvula Mokonyane and KZN MEC Sihle Zikalala, Labour leader Dennis George and business leaders including Jabu Mabuza, Patrice Motsepe, state owned enterprise executives from among others the IDC and PIC Geoff Qhena and Dan Matjila, respectively.
Flying the flag of South Africa hard at work, Deputy President Ramaphosa and the South African Team conveyed  to the international community South Africa’s openness to business while stressing its status as a preferred destination for investment. In this context and acting in unison the delegation highlighted that:
· South Africa remains focused on pursuing a path to faster, inclusive and job-creating economic growth.
· Government, business and labour have made significant progress in pursuing economic reforms.
· South Africa’s strong institutions, stable macroeconomic environment, developed financial markets and strategic position provide a solid platform for stronger growth.
· SA remains committed to strong fiscal discipline.
· SA is taking steps to strengthen policy certainty.
· Government is working to achieve a more supportive business environment, including through Invest SA and incentive programmes.
· Government has prioritised energy security.
· Massive infrastructure investment will continue to bolster domestic demand and productive capacity.
During the visit, Deputy President participated in a number of WEF sessions including: Powering Africa; Operationalisation of the Sustainable Development Goals; Coalition for African Research and Innovation and the Business Interaction Group on South Africa.
Deputy President Ramaphosa returned to South Africa today, Friday 20 January 2017.

Issued by Ronnie Mamoepa at 082-990-4853
The Presidency

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