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Presidency Deputy Minister Siweya to conduct Gender-Based Violence and Food Parcel Drive

The Deputy Minister in the Presidency, Thembi Siweya, will lead a Gender-Based Violence and Food Parcel Donation Drive at Jabulani Old Age Home and Care Givers in Pretoria North, Gauteng Province on 04 August 2022. The drive  is part of commemorating Women’s Month. 
South Africa commemorates Women’s Month in August as a tribute to the more than 20 000 women who marched to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956 in protest against the extension of Pass Laws to women. The Government of South Africa declared August Women’s Month and 9 August is celebrated annually as Women’s Day. This year’s Women Month will be celebrated under the theme: “Generation Equality: Realising Women’s Rights for an Equal Future”.  The concept of Generation Equality is a global campaign and links South Africa to global efforts to achieve gender equality by 2030.
During the drive, Deputy Minster Siweya will engage with citizen on dialogue about Gender-Based Violence. Women’s Month allows us to measure how far we have come in transforming society, mainly the transformation of unequal power relations between women and men. While also focusing on and addressing gender oppression, patriarchy, sexism, racism, ageism, structural oppression, and creating a conducive environment which enables women to take control of their lives.
Members of the media are invited as follows:
Date: 04 August 2022
Venue: Jabulani Old Age Home and Care Givers, Pretoria North, Gauteng Province
Time: 10h00 
For confirmation, kindly contact Mr Pfumelani Mayimele at 065 660 3839 or email
Follow us on twitter @dpmeofficial / @ThembiSiweya/ Facebook: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
Enquiries: Mr Phetole Rampedi at 082 890 8366 or email
Issued by: The Presidency 

Improved governance systems and performance delivers the tenth DPME clean audit

The Minister in The Presidency, Mondli Gungubele, tabled the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation’s (DPME) Annual Report for the financial year 2021/2022 to Parliament on 27 September 2022. This Annual Report is a testament of the strength of the Department’s governance system and commitment to build a capable, developmental and ethical state as envisaged in the National Development Plan Vision 2030 and Medium-Term Strategic Framework 2019 – 2024. 

For the tenth time in succession, the Department achieved a clean audit outcome as affirmed by the Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) and backed it with an 80% performance achievement against the Annual Performance Plan (APP). 

“We are proud that the Department has registered such a remarkable achievement and milestone. Governance and financial controls are critical elements of a functioning institution and should always be strengthened for consistency in the delivery of services,” said Minister Gungubele.

In its performance, the Department, working together with the National Planning Commission (NPC), continued to implement its commitment to institutionalise planning in Government, monitor outcomes and evaluate Government programmes. 

In advancing the institutionalisation of planning in Government, the Department conceptualised and developed the National Annual Strategic Plan (NASP) to facilitate alignment and prioritisation of medium-term plans and priorities within a particular year; developed guidelines on the institutionalisation of the MTSF to support the integration of its priorities and targets across the planning system; produced the Policy Framework for Integrated Planning to strengthen coherence and harmonisation across the planning system; assessed all national and provincial draft Strategic and Annual Performance Plans to improve the quality of institutional plans and alignment with the MTSF and NASP. 

In addition, the Department produced the Budget Prioritisation Framework to facilitate alignment of the 2022 national budget process with short-, medium- and long-term priorities of government and ensure that key plans are adequately resourced to support development outcomes. 

In order to foster accountability in the implementation of key programmes and determine progress in the realization of envisaged outcomes, the Department continued to deploy its monitoring and evaluation capability in all spheres of Government. 

Subsequently the Department produced two bi-annual reports and catalysed critical policy shifts which include the migration of Early Childhood Development programme from the Department of Social Development (DSD) to the Department of Basic Education (DBE), the development and implementation of the food nutrition plans, the implementation of National Strategic Plan (NSP) on Gender Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) and the conversion of several clinics into Ideal clinic through intervention support to ensure better health services for South Africans.

The DPME also continued to generate useful evidence on Government performance against its set priorities. As a result, four evaluation reports were produced and three of which were intended to support the management of the pandemic and to generate evidence on the vaccination drive. These reports include the Trust in Government Report; Vaccine Hesitancy and Acceptance Report; and Technical Evidence report. In addition, over 3000 evidence reports were sourced and curated to inform research and knowledge needs across the 4 priorities, Capable Ethical and Developmental state; Health Systems; Land Reform and Gender Based Violence and Femicide.

In the next financial year, the Department will continue to serve as the leader and catalyst in achieving national development outcomes and impact in society. The appointment of the third NPC has added the much need impetus in long term planning, mobilisation of key stakeholders and generation of critical evidence through in-depth research on key priorities. Efforts are being made to strengthen and usher in an enhanced and synergized planning, monitoring and evaluation systems across all spheres of Government. 

“As the chair of the Presidency Steering Committee on the District Development Model (DDM), the DPME will ensure that this enhanced planning paradigm finds expression across all spheres of Government through the District Development Model. The DPME will conduct rapid evaluations on programmes that are aimed at achieving our annual apex priorities as detailed in the NASP,” said Minister Gungubele. 

In addition, the DPME will continue to build a large-scale tertiary knowledge hub that will host all this evidence and link us to research outputs in various sectors. A real-time data centre that is geographically referenced will be established to enable the President to have a line of sight of Government interventions and their impact in society. As it stands the DPME is at the advance stage in the development of the Centralised Data Management System (CDMAS) which will enable data users to access, retrieve, analyse and visualise data.

“Our resolve is to ensure that the voices of the citizens form a bigger part of evidence that is collected by the Department. Together with the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), we have reintroduced the SONA Presidential Izimbizos, to create a platform for citizens to directly engage with Government. We want to turnaround the experience of citizens who are reaching us through the Presidential Hotline by introducing new channels of communication. Our Plans are enriched by the feedback we receive from the communities,” said Minister Gungubele.

In this tenth anniversary of the NDP, the Department calls upon all sectors of our society to contribute in in reducing poverty, unemployment and inequality. South Africa will grow if all citizens draw from their diverse expertise and experience to build an inclusive economy, a capable, ethical and developmental state. 

Media enquiries: Ms Nonceba Mhlauli on 0726233462 or email 

Issued by: The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

Minister Gungubele forms part of South African delegation to UN General Assembly

The Minister in the Presidency, Mr Mondli Gungubele will from today, 19 September 2022 embark on a working visit to the United States of America as part of the South African delegation to the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). The South African delegation is led by Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor. 
The 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA77) takes place at the United Nations headquarters in New York City from 20-26 September 2022, under the theme: “A watershed moment: Unlocking transformative solutions to interlocking challenges.”
Much of the focus of the high-level and side-meetings to be held at UNGA will focus on development matters, specifically health, education and the broader implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
On Monday, 19 September 2022, Minister Gungubele will participate in the Third Sustainable Development Goals Moment 2022: High Level Meeting prior to the opening of the 77th UN General Assembly's General Debate on Tuesday, 20 September 2022. 
The annual SDG Moment aims to provide a snapshot of progress, highlight actions taken by member states, and advance the transformations needed to achieve the 2030 Agenda. It was created by the political declaration adopted at the first SDG Summit in 2019, which mandated the Secretary-General to convene the event as part of every high-level week of the UNGA from 2020 to 2030.
Minister Gungubele will also attend the opening of the Transformation Education Summit where Minister of Basic Education, Ms Angie Motshekga will deliver the country statement. 
On Wednesday, 21 September 2022, Minister Gungubele will in his capacity as Minister of State Security participate in the Twelfth Global Counter Terrorism Forum (GCTF’s) Ministerial Plenary Meeting (MM12). 
The Global Counter-Terrorism Forum (GCTF) was launched in New York on 22 September 2011 as an informal platform to address critical counter-terrorism challenges facing the world. Consisting of 29 countries (including South Africa), the GCTF aims to make a practical contribution to addressing counter-terrorism issues by engaging at the practitioner and technical expert level. 
The MM12 meeting will focus particularly on implementing the GCTF’s initiatives at national and regional level. It will also take stock of the GCTF’s efforts and achievements, discuss its priorities and highlight future initiatives. 
Minister Gungubele will also deliver the country statement on Wednesday during the High-Level Meeting to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities. 
The High-Level meeting will reflect on the implementation of the declaration whilst also identifying the gaps. This is particularly relevant as it has been noted that Minorities, globally, are facing renewed barriers in the promotion and protection of their rights, various forms of discrimination, including hate speech and violence. 
The various engagements at UNGA will provide South Africa with an opportunity to highlight issues of national, regional and international importance. South Africa’s participation in the General Debate of the UNGA77 is a strategic opportunity for the promotion of our national and foreign policy objectives as espoused in Chapter 7 of the NDP, Positioning South Africa in the World.
Media Enquiries: Nonceba Mhlauli, Ministry Spokesperson - 0726233462
Issued by: The Presidency

The Minister in the Presidency Mr Mondli Gungubele, (MP) to unveil the brand-new studios at Engcobo FM 96.6 MHz Community Radio station

The Media Development & Diversity Agency (MDDA), led by the Minister in the Presidency, Mr Mondli Gungubele, (MP), will unveil the brand-new state-of-the-art broadcast studios at Engcobo FM 96.6 MHz, on Friday 09 September 2022, in Engcobo Local Municipality, Chris Hani District in the Eastern Cape.
The event will be graced by the Honourable Premier of Eastern Cape Province, Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane, Executive Mayor of Chris Hani District Municipality, Cllr Wongama Gela and Mayor of Engcobo Local Municipality, Cllr Siyabulela Zangqa.
Engcobo FM is a community radio station based in the Chris Hani District. It was awarded an FM radio frequency Community Broadcast license from ICASA in 2017 and only went on-air in June 2021. The station is owned by the community of Engcobo, which identified the need to have a platform to capture and broadcast local news.
Engcobo FM’s slogan is befittingly: Ikhaya Lakho, your home. The broadcast language split is 95% isiXhosa and 5% English, 24 hour 7 days a week, and the news content is 60% local news and 40% international news.
The new state-of-the-art studios will enhance Engcobo FM Community Radio station to audio streaming and other 4IR opportunities, which will elevate the quality of broadcasting, opening more areas to the programmes and content that carries information about community activities and inspire young people to be the best at whatever career they choose to follow.
The unveiling of State-of-the-Art Studios is scheduled as follows:
Date: Friday, 09 September 2022
Time: 09h00-13h00
Venue: Engcobo Indoor Sport Centre
For more information, contact the MDDA Senior Manager: Communications and Strategy, Rudzani Tshigemane, e-mail: /068 104 0984 or  Nonceba Mhlauli, Ministry Spokesperson, 072 623 3462 /
For more updates regarding MDDA related news and information, follow us on our website and social media platforms: 
Facebook: MDDA 
Twitter: @MDDA_Media 
Instagram: @MDDA_Media 
For media releases, speeches and news visit the MDDA portal at
Issued by the Media Development and Diversity Agency. 

Minister in The Presidency to host a dialogue on GBVF

The Minister in The Presidency, Mondli Gungubele, will host a dialogue on gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF) in Gugulethu, Western Cape, on 31 August 2022. The programme is necessitated by the prevalent cases of gender-based violence against children and women in Gugulethu and surrounding communities.  

The dialogue will offer various stakeholders from Government, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), Gugulethu and surrounding areas an opportunity to engage Minister Gungubele on the devastating impact of the GBVF, Government interventions and possible community support. 

Members of the media are invited to attend the dialogue as follows:

Date: Wednesday, 31 August 2022
Time: 09:00 -13:00
Venue: Ikhwezi Recreational Hall, Gugulethu, Western Cape Province

For confirmation, kindly contact Ms Lerato Maboea on 071 267 8006 or 

Media enquiries: Ms Nonceba Mhlauli on 072 623 3462 or 

Follow us on Twitter: @dpmeofficial / Facebook: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

Issued by: The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

Minister Mondli Gungubele and Minister Pravin Gordhan to conduct a Frontline Monitoring Programme in Sedibeng District Municipality, 10 August 2022

Minister in the Presidency, Mr Mondli Gungubele, together with Minister of Public Enterprises, Mr Pravin Gordhan will visit service delivery facilities in the Sedibeng District Municipality, Gauteng Province on 10 August 2022 as a build-up programme for the upcoming District Development Model (DDM) Presidential Imbizo on the 12th of August 2022 in Sedibeng District Municipality. 
Minister Gungubele and Gordhan will use this opportunity to assess the quality of service delivery in Sedibeng District Municipality and ascertain progress in the implementation of the District Development One-Plan.
The visit will also focus on access and provision of government services and aim to give expression to the legacy tagline of this 6th Administration, “Leave no one behind” through mobilising the public to be part of Government’s effort in eradicating poverty, creating employment and reducing inequality.
Through this visit, the Ministers will engage with facility managers of the below identified facilities on planned initiatives to contribute towards the improvement of service delivery in the District and explore possible areas for collaboration.
Minister Gungubele and Gordhan will also interact and listen to the citizen’s views with regards to service delivery issues and gauge the public mood on government’s efforts in dealing with service delivery matters ahead of the DDM Presidential Imbizo.
Members of the media are invited as follows:
Programme details:
Part 1
Venue: Mafatsane Home Affairs in Evaton, Emfuleni Local Municipality
Time: 09:00 – 11:15
Part 2
Venue: Small Farm Clinic in Evaton, Emfuleni Local Municipality
Time: 11:30 – 13:45
Part 3
Venue: Sebokeng Zone 17 Clinic, Emfuleni Local Municipality
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Part 4
Media door-stop
Venue: Sebokeng Zone 17 Clinic, Emfuleni Local Municipality
Time: 16:00 – 16:30
For confirmation, Kindly contact Mr Pfumelani Mayimele at 065 660 3839 or email at and Mr Richard Mantu at 072 488 1520 or email at
Issued by Government Communications (GCIS) on behalf of the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) and the Department of Public enterprises (DPE)
09 August 2022

Operation Vulindlela Second Quarter Report launch

Minister in the Presidency Mr Mondli Gungubele and Minister of Finance Mr Enoch Godongwana will launch the Operation Vulindlela second quarter report. The briefing follows on the one held on 13 May 2022, and will provide an update on reforms being implemented by departments supported by Operation Vulindlela. Operation Vulindlela is a joint initiative of the Presidency and the National Treasury, aimed at fast-tracking the delivery of structural economic reforms to unblock economic growth. Operation Vulindlela focuses on priority reforms in five areas: energy; digital communications; water; transport; and visa reform.

Details of the media briefing are as follows:
Date: 05 August 2022
Venue: Virtual
Time:12:00 – 14:00

Register in advance for this webinar:  

@GovernmentZA / @National Treasury of the Republic of South Africa

@South African Government / @National Treasury RSA

GovernmentZA / @TreasuryRSA

Issued by: The Presidency

Deputy President Mabuza to address the National Township, Rural and Informal Economy Symposium in the Eastern Cape

Deputy President David Mabuza will on Thursday, 13 October 2022, deliver the opening address at the National Township, Rural and Informal Economy Symposium, at Empekweni Beach Resort near Port Alfred.
The Deputy President will address the symposium in the context of his delegated responsibility to assist the President in coordinating interventions to stimulate and support rural and township economy through the implementation of empowerment models.  The symposium will take place under the theme “Elevating the Informal, Social and Solidarity Economies: Best Practices to inform Policy”. 
In this regard, the symposium seeks to develop and enhance the overarching national government policy and plan in the informal economy by:
• Launching an Informal economy stakeholder platform, that is representative of sectors of the economy of South Africa, 
• providing a networking platform and exchange lessons, best practices, and ideas within the informal economy.
Deputy President Mabuza is expected to draw insights from international best practices to inform our national policy options. Furthermore, the Deputy President will use this opportunity to reflect on the post Covid-19 pandemic envisioned in the informal economy and small and medium enterprises, especially businesses owned by youth and women. 
Members of the media are invited to the symposium as follows:
Date:13 Octoberb2022
Venue: Empekweni Beach Resort (near Port Alfred), Eastern  Cape Province
Time: 08h00 (Media to arrive at 07h00)

Please confirm your attendance with Mmantshu Selwadi on 071 532 3193.

For more information please contact, Sam Bopape from the Presidency on 082 318 5251 or Sendra Mashego from the Small Business Development Department  on  076 601 1564.

Media enquiries: Sam Bopape on 082 318 5251

Issued by: The Presidency

Deputy President Mabuza visits the Eastern Cape Province to engage with Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders

Deputy President David Mabuza will on Thursday, 13 October 2022, visit the Eastern Cape Province in the Amathole District, to engage with Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders at the Provincial House of Traditional Leaders in Bisho.
The Deputy President is engaging Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders, in his capacity as Chairperson of the Inter-Ministerial Task Team established by President Cyril Ramaphosa, to address issues raised by Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership.
The Task Team is committed to develop effective and efficient traditional leadership institutions that are able to address the challenges facing citizens, especially those in rural areas. 
Through these engagements, the Task Team seeks to leave a lasting legacy of strengthened service delivery to rural communities including the preservation of cultural heritage and its wealth throughout the country. 
The meeting will be attended by, amongst others, representatives of the National and Provincial House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders, Amakhosi and Amakhosikazi in the province, as well Local Mayors.
Deputy President Mabuza will be joined by the Premier of the Eastern Cape Province, Oscar Mabuyane, Deputy Minister of COGTA Obed Bapela, Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform, Mcebisi Skwatsha, together with Members of the Provincial Executive Council.
Members of the media are requested to cover the event as follows:
Date: Thursday, 13 October 2022                                            
Venue: Provincial House of Traditional Leaders, Bhisho                               
Time: 11h30 (Media to arrive at 11h00)
For more information and accreditation please contact, Sam Bopape on 082 318 5251 or Sonwabo Mbananga on 082 045 3963.
Media enquiries: Sam Bopape on 082 318 5251
Issued by: The Presidency

Deputy President Mabuza to engage with Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders in the Northern Cape Province

Deputy President David Mabuza, in his capacity as Chairperson of the Inter-Ministerial Task Team established to respond to issues raised by Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders, will engage with Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders on Wednesday, 12 October 2022 in Khathu, the Northern Cape.

The ongoing engagements with Traditional and Khoi-San leaders by the Deputy President seek to strengthen the role of Government and the institution of traditional leadership to represent communities, preserve cultural heritage and build our nation.

Through these engagements, Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders have had the opportunity to make proposals to Government on how to confront the challenges that face our nation currently as well as how they will contribute to make South Africa a better place for all.

Deputy President Mabuza will be joined by the Premier of Northern Cape Province, Dr Zamani Saul, and accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Mr Mcebisi Skwatsha, and the Deputy Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Mr Obed Bapela, as well as Deputy Minister Maggie Sotyu of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment.

Date: Wednesday, 12 October 2022
Time: 10h30 (Media to arrive at 9h30)
Venue: Gamagara Town Hall, Khathu

Members of the media are requested to confirm their attendance with Linah Ledwaba on 066 240 7635.

Issued by: The Presidency

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